What's Happening Meow ~ Who We Are


July 25, 2022, 8:45 p.m.

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What's Happening Meow ~ Who We Are

Volume 01: Issue 01

Hi and welcome to Felix and Fido at Home Nursing Care! We launched our Pilot project in February of 2021 and some of you may know how long we have been working with our developers for our new and improved platform. We are very excited it's finally here and with it, we have incorporated some amazing features we really hope you like! If you haven't had a chance to check out Ellyse's interview with Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC) you can hear about how we got started and how our platform works here: https://youtu.be/rSflG8IUhSE


If you have met Ellyse you would quickly see how passionate she is about veterinary care and overall animal health. She has wanted to help animals since she was 2 years old. That passion sparks through when she talks about her vision for Felix and Fido at Home Nursing Care.

Ellyse graduated with her veterinary technologist diploma in 2008.  She has worked in numerous hospital settings from Specialty, ER, shelter and everything in between.  She also has experience with company management, administration and building strategic relationships.  These experiences are what turned our vision into reality.  Felix and Fido was brought to life because Ellyse wanted to fill the void of home nursing care in veterinary medicine.  She wanted to see family pets have the same access, and the same level of care that she has been able to provide to her own fur babies.  She also wanted to create more opportunities and public awareness for her veterinary technician colleagues.  

Felix and Fido at Home Nursing Care is a platform to connect local Registered/Licensed/Certified Veterinary Technicians (R/L/CVTs) to local pet parents because all of our fur families deserve the best care!

My name is Jen, Ellyse and I have worked together on other projects before. When she started Felix and Fido, I was inspired by Ellyse's vision to make a difference. She did a lot of preliminary work to speak with the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) to ensure we had a business model that everyone was happy with. In the process she was able to update archaic legislation to really utilize Credentialed Veterinary Technician's skills in a variety of ways, including outside of the clinic to help pet owners at home! We really want to raise awareness for what a Veterinary Technician does and why it's so important to be credentialed and held to high standards and quality of care. I had to jump on board with Ellyse's vision and became her business partner and Administrative Director. I love meeting new people and really advocating for change along with her. Ellyse's vision and passion for animal health is contagious. Felix and Fido at Home Nursing Care is going to do great things! Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and we really appreciate your support! Come back for next month's issue when I'll go into more detail about what a Credentialed Veterinary Technician is and how we plan to make a difference. 

In the meantime if you want to learn more about the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association you can check out their website here: https://www.canadianveterinarians.net/

If you want to check out more about the Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada, here is their website: https://rvttcanada.ca/